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2015 Manningham BEA Winner

2015 Manningham BEA Winner Last night was a milestone for Ivory Hearing. We are proud to have won the 2015 Manningham Personal Business of the Year, organised by Manningham Business Excellence Awards. When we started the business, we didn’t know much about running a business, because both of us had zero business background. The decision to start our own hearing…

Christmas Present

Wonderful Christmas present from a happy customer from Kilsyth! Feeling the Christmas joy already! Happy holiday everyone!

Christmas is the time of spreading good cheer and enjoying family gathering. However, if you are experiencing hearing loss and not doing anything about it, it could be difficult and stressful for you to participate in the family bonding. We strongly encourage you to get your hearing checked as soon as possible and make a difference this Christmas! SPECIAL OFFER:…

Reducing the Volume of Loud Toys

Are you kids playing with toys that is too loud for them? Some electronic toys can be too loud for your children’s delicate hearing. Don’t worry, here is a tip to fix the problem without having to turn it off entirely. All you need to do is put a piece of clear packing tape over the speaker of loud toys with…

How Should We Properly Clean Our Ear Wax?

As we all know, our ear canals produce wax. For some people, ear wax builds up much faster than the others. If there is a large amount of wax build up, blocking the ear canals, a temporary hearing loss can happen. So, how should we clear the wax? The most popular answer might be a cotton bud/Q-tip, but it is…

Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears

Do you know that cleaning your dog’s ears once a week can help prevent infections? Dogs can build up ear wax and debris at a faster rate than people. These wax and debris can easily build up in the ridges of the external canal. If irritation takes place, either from buildup or from allergies, the canal can become infected. Lack…

Music Too Loud?

Do you listen your music way too loud? A person exposed to sound levels of 85 decibels or higher for a prolonged period of time is at risk for suffering from hearing loss. How do you know when your music is too loud? A good way to find out if your music is too loud, is that when you need to raise your voice…

Do you know that untreated hearing loss is linked with an increased risk of depression? When the everyday things we once valued very highly – listening to music, hearing the birds in the garden, the pleasant chat with friends and family –may be gone and become stressful activities, that would cause fatigue, anxiety, embarrassment and social isolation. Don’t let untreated…

It’s a good idea for diabetic patients to be screened regularly for hearing loss. According to an analysis of 13 studies, men and women with diabetes were more than twice as likely as people in the general population to develop hearing loss. Scientists note that the cochlea, the auditory portion of the inner ear, is full of tiny blood vessels…

With Mother’s Day just around the corner on Sunday 11 May, we sons and daughters are quick to realise all of those little things that our mothers have done to make our childhoods easier and more carefree. These little things make all the difference to us as we celebrate Mother’s Day this May. Wouldn’t it be great if we could…

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