Tiny hearing aids

Mad Myth Monday – Tiny hearing aids cost more and work better than larger ones.

Myth: Tiny hearing aids cost more and work better than larger ones.

Fact: Not necessarily.

In these 2-3 years of operation, we have met many people in different occasions. Naturally we would be talking about hearing loss, hearing aids etc. The more people we talk to, the more we realise that there are many misconceptions and myths out there. Some are even stopping people from getting the help they truly need.

Lately, we noticed that some people think that the smaller hearing aids are more expensive than the larger ones. For that reason, they also think that smaller hearing aids are more expensive.

We can understand that there’s a market demand for tiny hearing aids because many people don’t want others to see that they are wearing hearing aids. So, some hearing aid sellers took the advantage by promoting tiny hearing aids as more superior/powerful and charged a higher price for it.

Here’s the thing, smaller hearing aids and slightly bigger hearing aids work exactly the same way. They receive, analyse, process and transmit sound based on the same principle. They are just functioning in different housing sizes. Hearing aids come in a range of sizes to suit different people. Each with its pros and cons. The size of the hearing aids depends on various factors like degree of hearing loss, ear anatomy, dexterity of user, functionality, personal preference etc. A good audiologist would consider all those factors and suggest the most suitable hearing aids for you.

One person may be more suited for Behind-the-Ear (BTE) or Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) type hearing aids, while another may get more benefits from Completely-in-Canal (CIC) or Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) type aids.

So, which one is more suitable for you? We can’t give you a definite answer without knowing you and your situation. The best way to find out is by making an appointment and speak to our caring audiologist. We can organise a free hearing aids trial so that you can personally experience the benefit of the chosen hearing aids before you buy.

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