Get more informed about hearing health

One in six Australians is currently affected by hearing loss – that’s an estimated 3.55 million people. Yet, it takes an average of 7 to 10 years before they actively seek help. This often causes negative effects (psychologically, socially & physically) not only on the person with hearing issues, but also on everyone else around them. In addition, only around 20% of those with hearing issues do anything about it. Some of them don’t know that they have hearing loss, some of them don’t know what to do, and some just don’t want to do anything about it. Also, there is too much misinformation out there that prevents people from getting the proper hearing care.

Last week (21st-27th Aug) was Hearing Awareness Week 2017. It gave us a good opportunity to educate our clients and visitors on the importance of taking care of their hearing health. Therefore, we have opened our door for people to visit Ivory Hearing and discuss all hearing-related issues and to offer various hearing services for free – hearing screening test, trial of the latest hearing aids, servicing of hearing aids.

Apart from some of our existing clients, quite a number of new people came to visit us and went away with more information about their own hearing, and hearing health in general.

Who have we helped on Hearing Awareness Week 2017?

Ringing in the ear

A lady came in for a hearing assessment due to ringing in the ear (tinnitus). After the assessment, Shuey discussed the results in relation to the tinnitus with her. While tinnitus and hearing loss are often linked, it is not the only or definite cause for tinnitus. There are other reasons why tinnitus happens, and it is important to find out why.

Lost hearing aids

A lady came in and told us her father had lost his hearing aids few years ago and has never been wearing anything since. We found out that he can get subsidies from the Australian Government under the Office of Hearing Services (OHS) program. Therefore, we applied for the program for him and promptly get a pair of hearing aids for him. After the adjustment to his current hearing level, he said that he can hear much better.

Office of Hearing Services

Raising Hearing Health Awareness by the Mayor

The Mayor of Manningham – Michelle Kleinert came to get a hearing screening test. This is part of her effort to encourage the Manningham locals to look after their health too. As a mayor, she needs to have meetings and talk to different people every day, so hearing is very important to her. She is very pleased to know that she has great hearing. She is also particularly fascinated by the antique audiometer in the hearing clinic.

Removal Lines

A man came in with a broken removal line on his hearing aids. Since many people nowadays want their hearing aids to be as inconspicuous as possible, hearing aids are getting smaller and smaller. As a result, removal lines are quite useful for users to put in and take out smaller In-the-canal (ITC), Completely-in-canal (CIC) and Invisible-in-canal (IIC) hearing aids. Without removal line, it is difficult to get the hearing aids out of the ears. We helped him attach the removal lines back onto his hearing aids, so that he can conveniently use his hearing aids now.

Uncomfortable hearing aids

A lady told us her hearing aids are not comfortable because her ear moulds keep popping out from the ear. We took her ear impressions and made new ones for her. The ear impressions are then sent to the hearing aid maker’s site to be scanned and made. With the new ear mouls, she is much happier with how they feels in her ears, thus improving her experience of hearing.

Specific request on hearing aids trial

A man called us and asked to try a specific pair of hearing aids. Since we deal with all the major hearing aid makers, we organised a time for him to trial the hearing aids. So far he is very positive with the trial, especially for a first time hearing aids user. He will be back again to let us know his feedback, so that we can further fine tune the hearing aids to his preference.

Early bird

A young man came in to get a free hearing test because he listens to his portable music everyday. His hearing test results showed that he has normal hearing, but he is now more aware of his hearing health and will be more proactive in protecting his hearing.


Now that Hearing Awareness Week 2017 is over, what else can we do? Well, we can’t just stop there of course.  We encourage everyone to talk to us about any hearing and communication issues, regardless of what day it is. We are working towards a day when all those with hearing impairment or hearing loss reach their full potential and enjoy their quality of life – socially, physically and emotionally.

Feel free to contact us for anything that we might be able to help. We are here for you.

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