Wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018

“May Your holidays be filled with joy and good cheer May the new year bring you peace and laughter May you enjoy good times with those you hold dear And create lovely memories you’ll treasure all year”   We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018 From everyone at Ivory Hearing

How I got Tinnitus in my twenties and how I live with it today I guess you could say I used to be your typical twenty-something woman. I worked hard, and I played hard too. Just because I worked a 9-5 job managing a business didn’t mean I wasn’t willing to let loose. I made sure I attended every major…

Larger Elephants Ears

Fun Fact Friday – Why do elephants in hotter climates have larger ears? Why do some elephants have larger ears? Elephants are huge, which means they produce a lot of body heat. They also typically live in hot climates. So they need to cool themselves down quickly to keep their body temperature at a constant level. Or else, they could…

Learn from Whale Ear Wax

Fun Fact Friday – What can we learn about a whale from its ear wax? Whales have a constant build-up of ear wax in their inner ear (called “earplug”) which increases with time because they can’t clean their ears like we do. Researchers have found out that a new layer or “lamina,” is deposited every six months, allowing them to…

Fun Fact Friday – How does a giraffe clean its ears?

It is commonly known that the giraffe has a long neck, but not many know that the giraffe has a very long tongue too! The average length of an adult giraffes tongue is 53cm. Wait, why are we talking about the giraffe’s tongue? The question is about its ears! Well, with such a long tongue, the giraffe has learnt to…

Fun Fact Friday – Why is our hearing reduced when we yawn?

Yawning do weird things to our ears. Yawning could make our ears pop when they feel blocked through the Eustachian tubes. At the same time, yawning causes our hearing goes dull temporarily. Why? That’s because during yawning, the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles in our middle ears become tense. These tense muscles cause the little conductive bones connected to the…

Do you know that untreated hearing loss is linked with an increased risk of depression? When the everyday things we once valued very highly – listening to music, hearing the birds in the garden, the pleasant chat with friends and family –may be gone and become stressful activities, that would cause fatigue, anxiety, embarrassment and social isolation. Don’t let untreated…

It’s a good idea for diabetic patients to be screened regularly for hearing loss. According to an analysis of 13 studies, men and women with diabetes were more than twice as likely as people in the general population to develop hearing loss. Scientists note that the cochlea, the auditory portion of the inner ear, is full of tiny blood vessels…

Antique Listening Devices Before the invention of radar, troops used acoustic mirrors and listening devices like these to focus and detect the sound of engines from approaching aircraft.

This is so beautiful and amazing. We are lucky to live in a time where technology can help with our body.