Keep Australia Beautiful Week-2020

17th – 23rd August is Keep Australia Beautiful Week. Hearing aid users deal with many disposable batteries, so it is a good opportunity to remind everyone that batteries are not meant to be thrown into the bin. Each year, 8,000 tonnes of batteries end up in landfill because they were not separated from normal trash. Over time, the toxic chemicals…

7 Ways To Protect Your Hearing As A Musician

Musicians are facing a dilemma. On one hand, they can create incredible music that has the power to affect us deep down, from moving us to tears, to compelling our body to dance. On another hand, they are putting their own hearing health at risk, potentially changing their perception of music and melody. Various studies have pointed out the dangers…

The best ways to remove earwax, according to an audiologist

Earwax issue? What can you do? First things first In most cases, you don’t need to remove your earwax manually. Your ears are designed to clean themselves by pushing out any excessive earwax naturally with jaw movements such as eating and talking. In fact, you need a small amount of earwax in your ears to reduce the chances of ear infection and…

Take Care Hearing Aids

How to take care of your hearing aids, so that you can hear your very best After making an investment to get hearing aids to hear better, it makes sense for you to keep them in best working condition for as long as possible. While we are more than happy to help send them away to be fixed, we understand…

8 Reasons Why Your Hearing Aids Are Not Working, And What You Can Do.

Your hearing aids are not working, and you are frustrated enough to leave them in the drawers. Believe or not, there are way too many hearing aids out there currently sitting in the drawer, not being used. One of the main reasons is because the users think that their hearing aids are not working well, and think that nothing can be…

Summer Hearing Aids Care

The 7 Best Things You Can Do for Your Hearing Aids This Summer The arrival of summer means warm sunny days, sunbathing at the beaches, BBQs, and lots of other outdoor activities! While you are having so much fun, it is very easy to neglect your hearing aids in the lazy summer days. To ensure your hearing aids are working…

Diabetes-Hearing Loss Connection

The Diabetes-Hearing Loss Connection This week is National Diabetes Week. According to various research studies, people with diabetes were more than twice as likely as to develop hearing loss. Similar to the way diabetes damage our eyes and the kidneys, the high blood glucose levels associated with diabetes could cause damage to the tiny blood vessels in our inner ear. This would…

How to quickly check someone else’s hearing aid?

How to quickly check someone else’s hearing aid? As hearing aids are getting smaller and smaller, they become more and more difficult for the elderlies to handle. Their children then bear the responsibility to look after the parents’ hearing aids – getting them cleaned, changing the batteries and bringing the parents to see the audiologists when the hearing aids stop…

Top Tip Tuesday – Wear earplugs to concerts

Concerts are loud, but you want to be able to enjoy the music. What could you do? You could easily get cheap disposable foam ear plugs from the pharmacies, hardware stores or even the concert venues. The music might sound muffled or unnatural but at least they are great in cutting down the volume. If you want the music to…

Reducing the Volume of Loud Toys

Are you kids playing with toys that is too loud for them? Some electronic toys can be too loud for your children’s delicate hearing. Don’t worry, here is a tip to fix the problem without having to turn it off entirely. All you need to do is put a piece of clear packing tape over the speaker of loud toys with…

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